According to Peter Brandt, in the near future, we should expect a drop in the bitcoin rate by 80%


A well-known expert in the world of trading explained that the Bitcoin chart should be viewed with an open mind. At the same time, Ton Weiss, a leading analyst in London, clarified when it is better to buy cryptocurrency.

Recently, Peter Brandt wrote on social networks that the bitcoin rate will continue its rapid decline, and as a result, it will reach the $ 1000 mark. And this scenario, according to him, is most likely if you try to consider the coin rate objectively.

Ton Weiss adheres to the same position. The analyst noted that the rate of the cryptocurrency will continue to decline, and in connection with this forecast, he placed exchange orders for the purchase of the crypto coin at 3550 and 4550 US dollars. Weiss waits for the coin to drop below $ 2750, and then he will invest all his savings in it.

According to the analyst, it is too early to say that the price of the crypto coin has stopped. The fact is that the cryptocurrency market continues to experience fluctuations and financial unrest, and it is for this period that all lows are updated. Recall that the last minimum was recorded exactly last year and amounted to $ 3150.

As for the bitcoin itself, today its price is within the limits of $ 5350, while literally in a day the cost of the coin has decreased by 27%. The sharp price drop also affected the volume of trades carried out in 24 hours: investors began to actively buy out coins, as a result of which the volume of transactions increased to 68 billion USD.

However, Peter Schiff, head of Euro Pacific Capital, noted that bitcoin will continue to sink, and with it all its holders will be on the verge of bankruptcy. Arthur Hayes, CEO of Bitmex exchange, adheres to a similar position. The specialist believes that the position of bitcoin in the cryptocurrency market will only decline.
