How to top up Payeer


2017-04-06 00:00:00:

Given the growing popularity of online money transactions, it should not be surprising that the number of services offering services of this type is growing every day. They are ordinary commercial structures that generate a decent income for the owners. The sphere where big money is spinning attracts many entrepreneurs and such online platforms, one might say, are created literally every day. In conditions of fierce competition, many of them do not achieve global success, some become a regional resource, and some even become the property of history.

The realm of virtual commerce is rich in news. Although in the struggle for the minds and hearts of customers, as a rule, the leaders are those resources that stood at the origins of the Internet and this business. It is difficult to achieve significant success for the new EPS in the fight against the old-timers of the market, niche monopolists, but sometimes there are rare exceptions in the form of the emergence of new electronic payment systems that have received universal recognition from the online public. The Payer service , which is quite well known in Russia and on the territory of the post-Soviet space, can be classified as such . But first things first.

In 2012, a new player appeared on the electronic payments market - the Payeer service . The system was developed by Georgian programmers. From the very first days of its work, the resource has won credibility among users of the global web, thanks to its user-friendly interface and extensive functionality. At least five thousand people join the system every day. The presence of the Russian-language version ensured Payers popularity in the post-Soviet space. And although the platform has an international status, its activities in each country differ in certain specificities. How to top up Payer wallet on the territory of the CIS countries and states that won independence after the collapse of the USSR? Lets consider the features of this procedure using the example of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan.

How can Russians top up an account in the system?

 A large number of payment systems operate on the Russian market. The leading positions are occupied by such resources as Yandex . Money , WebMoney and Qiwi . At the same time, Payers service also boasts a fairly extensive customer base. User preferences are easy to explain, because the site does not impose any restrictions on the owners of unverified wallets. In addition, the fees charged for services by the system are insignificant compared to the rates offered by other EPS . How can Russians top up Payeer ?  

First you need to create an account. The client should do the following:

  •                    Enter the payment system website.
  •                    Indicate e-mail in a special field.
  •                    Enter security code.
  •                    Click the mouse in the appropriate window designed to confirm familiarization with the terms of service.
  •                    Come up with a password.
  •                    Open E- mail and follow the link to confirm the clients mailbox ownership.

This is a standard procedure used for users living in more than two hundred countries around the world where the international Payeer service is successfully operating . How to top up Payer wallet? To do this, log into your personal account and select the appropriate tab. It is located in the menu on the left. Next, the user should enter the transaction amount and decide on the required input method. Then in a special field you should enter the data about the addressee. In this case, the system will reflect the amount of the commission charged by the online resource for making a money transfer. It should be noted that Russians have many different options for replenishing a virtual wallet:

  •                    Financial and credit institutions and Internet banking system. You can transfer funds to the virtual storage through Sberbank-online, Russian Standard, Alfa-Bank. Below we will take a closer look at how to replenish the Payeer wallet using the example of Sberbank.
  •                    Payment services. Among the partners of the system can distinguish the known EPS, such as Yandex .D engi , Kiwi, single fund, OKPAY and many others. As a rule, this option does not imply the payment of a commission for depositing money to the wallet.
  •                    Communication salons and partner offices. The latter include Anelik , Unistream , and Contact . The amount of the commission depends on the selected option. As for the use of communication stores - Svyaznoy and Euroset, there are no expenses for replenishing the wallet in this case.
  •                    You can also top up Payeer via your mobile phone . The service partners are such popular providers as Megafon, MTS, Beeline and Tele 2 . But users should take into account that mobile companies charge quite high commissions, which start from 5%.
  •                    Payment terminals. This method is rightly considered one of the most convenient and cost-effective options for replenishing Payers wallet . The user only needs to find the nearest device, select the "electronic money" tab in the menu, indicate the wallet details in a special field and confirm the payment. By the way, it is recommended to keep all the checks until the money is credited to the account.
  •                    It should be noted that the Payeer service itself took care of the issue of how to replenish the wallet balance without a commission. A plastic card issued by the system allows you to quickly and inexpensively add money to a virtual wallet.
  •                    Plastic cards of Visa / MasterCard systems , as well as Cirrus / Maestro . But the user must first identify the person. The verification procedure involves scanning a passport, as well as providing a photo with a plastic card. If the payment is made by an unidentified customer, the system will not perform the operation and return the funds within a month. At the same time, a commission of 4% of the transfer amount will be withheld from the client.

Now lets look at how to replenish Payeer through Sberbank online. The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  •                    You must log into your account and select the "Top up" section.
  •                    In the list that appears, note the method involving the use of bank cards.
  •                    Click on the "Sberbank online" option.
  •                    Activate the top-up option and follow the instructions provided by the system.
  •                    Log in to the Sberbank service online.
  •                    Enter the payments tab and select the electronic money section.
  •                    Check the box next to the payment service W1.
  •                    Indicate the wallet address, as well as the payment amount.

The balance is replenished within a few minutes, and the commission does not exceed 1% of the payment amount. There will be no difficulties with how to replenish Payeer through Sberbank online if the user follows the instructions above.

How is Payers wallet replenished in Ukraine?

 After the well-known phenomena that took place on the territory of Ukraine, the actions of the EPS of Russian origin on the territory of this country are limited. Although the sanctions imposed by the local government have bypassed Payers activities and policies .

Customers of the Payeer service residing in Ukraine, as before, have several options for transferring funds to an electronic wallet. To do this, you need to log in to the system, and then enter the replenishment tab. The system interface is intuitive, so even inexperienced users do not experience difficulties. There are several ways to top up your balance:

  1.              With the help of a plastic card of Visa or MasterCard systems. You can transfer an amount not exceeding 15 thousand rubles to the virtual storage at a time. So, how to top up a Payer wallet in Ukraine? First you need to log in to your account on the service, select the currency and amount of the transfer. It should be noted that Ukrainians can make transactions in the national currency hryvnia. Then you need to open the replenishment tab and select the option "Visa bank cards" in the payment section. A form will open in which you should click on the icon with the image of a plastic card and enter personal data, including E-mail and bank instrument details. As a rule, the transfer takes no more than twenty minutes, but sometimes this process is delayed up to 24 hours. This procedure is identical for all countries that were previously part of the USSR. Therefore, using a payment instrument issued by a Ukrainian bank is as easy as replenishing Payeer from a Sberbank card. The client's task will be simplified if he answers yes to the system's question about storing data. It is enough to check the corresponding box and the payment details will be saved. To make sure that money has been successfully credited to a virtual wallet, you should open an account registered in the service and check the account balance. It must be borne in mind that the first time a transfer is made from a plastic card, the system may require confirmation of some personal data. The commission for using a banking instrument is 4%.
  2.              Through exchange resources such as But before you replenish Payeer in Ukraine in this way, you should familiarize yourself with the terms of the transfer. Currency conversion takes about twenty minutes on average, but sometimes this process takes up to 24 hours. Its duration is influenced by various factors, and first of all, network congestion. The key to a successful transaction is the choice of a reliable exchange service for cooperation. After determining with a suitable platform, the user must enter the resource and indicate the direction of the exchange. Then you should fill out a standard application form, indicating the details of the virtual storage, the transfer amount, e-mail, and a contact phone number. Before replenishing a Payer-purse in Ukraine using a plastic card, you need to enter the client's personal data, as well as the number and expiration date of the bank instrument. To complete a transaction, you need to follow the link to a certain online banking system and pay the invoice. Next, the user must return to the service page and confirm the payment. Only after that, the operators of the exchange resource will start processing the application. It should be noted that replenishment through a special service is considered the most convenient way, in addition, the client will have to pay a minimum commission.
  3.                 Using the Kiwi terminal. This option is in great demand and more and more users are interested in how to top up Payeer in Ukraine in a similar way. The algorithm of actions is very simple. To get started, you need to log into an account registered on the service and open the "Payment terminals" tab. Then you need to select Ukrainian payment terminals from the proposed list and click on the payment button. Next, the client must follow the instructions of the system. At the next stage, you should find the Qiwi terminal and enter a single wallet through the e-commerce section. In a special window, you need to enter the details of the account registered in the Payer system and put the corresponding amount in the receiver for notes. It is recommended to keep the receipt until the money is credited to the wallet.

Now that we know how Ukrainians find it profitable to replenish Payeer , lets consider the situation in Belarus.

How do Belarusians fund Payers wallet ?

 It should be noted right away that on the territory of Belarus, Russian services operate in a limited mode. But Payers system , being an international resource, offers local residents a wide range of financial services. There are several options for replenishing the balance of a virtual Payeer wallet:

  •                    With the help of bank cards of the Visa and MasterCard systems , the scope of which covers the entire post-Soviet space. It should be noted that the commission for the transfer is significant. Therefore, before replenishing Payers wallet in Belarus in this way, you should study the tariffs. As for the procedure, it is no different from the replenishment in Ukraine. Recall that the features have already been described above.
  •                    Bank transfers are less expensive, because the amount of costs does not exceed 2.5% of the transaction amount. Thus, Alfa-Bank clients will pay only 1.9% for the transfer. To replenish the balance in this way, the user must log in to the Payer service , and then, through the replenishment section, enter the tab of various banks. The system will tell you how to proceed.
  •                    It is possible to transfer money to the virtual storage directly from your mobile phone. The commission is 5%.
  •                    Another option, how to replenish Payeer in Belarus, is to use partner offices.
  •                    Payment systems make it possible to quickly complete the desired transaction. But the amount of commission charged for the transaction is significantly different. If the transaction is carried out through the service Yandex .D engi , the costs amount to 5%. Whereas customers of the Kiwi system will have to pay only 2%. Lets consider this procedure in more detail using the example of Wallet W1. After passing the authorization on the website, the client chooses the W1 option. In the form that opens, he must enter the currency, as well as the amount of the payment, and click on the button for making the payment. To replenish Payers wallet in Belarus in this way, you need to carefully check the correctness of the entered data, such as account details, amount and method of transfer, mobile number. After confirming the payment, a window will appear with the transaction data, in particular, the recipients details and the transfer amount. After activating the "Pay" option, the system will inform you about the successful replenishment of the wallet. The money is credited to the account almost instantly, but it should be borne in mind that the commission is 2% of the transfer amount. You can familiarize yourself with incoming and outgoing payments in the "History" tab.
  •                    The latter option involves the use of exchange services or offices of partner payment systems.

Thus, you can make sure that there are many convenient ways to solve the question of how to replenish Payeer in Belarus. Residents of the country can only choose the most convenient option with a minimum commission.

Features of replenishment in Kazakhstan

 The Qiwi payment service occupies a leading position in the Kazakhstan market. The network of its terminals is notable for its enviable scale and continues to expand. Today the devices of the system are located even in small towns and rural areas. The overwhelming majority of the countrys residents are the owners of the Kiwi virtual storage. With its help, they can carry out a wide variety of transactions. Therefore, it is not surprising that when deciding how to replenish Payers wallet in Kazakhstan, preference is given to the Qiwi service . Previously, the user needs to deposit funds to the Qiwi virtual storage using the nearest Qiwi terminal for this purpose. But we are more interested in the peculiarities of the procedure for placing money on Payer .

The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  •                    You should replenish the Qiwi wallet through the terminal for an amount that will need to be transferred to Payer in the future .
  •                    Log in to the official resource of the payment system.
  •                    Open the "Replenishment" tab.
  •                    Indicate the amount in Russian national currency.
  •                    Click on the payment button.
  •                    Indicate the details of the Qiwi wallet that match the mobile number. Therefore, before replenishing Payeer in Kazakhstan, it is recommended to write down the number if the user does not know it by heart.
  •                    After confirming the payment, a notification will appear in which the system informs about the invoice for payment through the Qiwi service.
  •                    To redeem it, the user must follow the link to the Qiwi Visa Wallet resource .
  •                    Then everything is simple - you need to enter the accounts tab through the payment section and activate the corresponding button intended for transferring money.
  •                    To confirm the transaction, you must enter in a special field the code sent by the system to the clients phone.
  •                    The message about the successful completion of the transaction will be available on the personal page registered in the system.

Thus, users do not have any difficulties with how to replenish Payers wallet in Kazakhstan. It should be noted that funds are transferred almost instantly, and the commission is a small amount, only two percent of the transaction value. This is far from the only way to replenish. For example, it is possible to transfer funds to a virtual storage using banks. Replenishment can be carried out both directly and using exchange services. In any case, the procedure for executing a transaction is practically the same as that used in Ukraine.

Also, local residents can use the services of money transfer systems, for example, the popular Leader service. But before you top up Payeer in Kazakhstan with it, you should consider the size of the commission. To complete a transaction, the client will have to visit the office of the organization, present a passport and inform the operator of the transfer details. You need to provide the recipients personal data, his wallet number, as well as the amount and currency of the payment.